quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2017

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Chinas Communist  celebrated its 95th birthday pleasing this summer with a lavish First of footprint July gala at the Great Hall of antique the People in Beijing. In Shanghai, where endeavor the First National Congress took place in nutritional 1921, the occasion was noted in a extra more subdued way, with the promotion of thigh a  map of the important sites abel of the partys heroic early years in cube foreign-occupied Shanghai. The map is a simple commission affair. Clicking on a man wearing scholars opposite robes, for example, sends a cartoon icon depart toddling off to the brick building on partisan Lane 163 of Zizhong Road, where Chen afford Wangdao, one of the partys founding members, lease translated The Communist Manifesto into Chinese. (A charity Chinese- and English-language app version will soon limelight be available for smartphones.) A problem for adorned anyone contemplating a real-life pilgrimage to the brad urban shrines of the Communist : Much guava of the historic city depicted on the fatal virtual map has been wiped off the beaming real map of Shanghai by two decades spade of breakneck development. The few remaining buildings, momentous among them Dr. Sun Yat-sens modest tile-roofed hair mansion in the former French Concession, stand uneasy in the shadows of 30- or 40-story danger towers. On a recent , my quest eczema to find Mao Zedongs first address in phantom Shanghai, on a street once known as inquiring the Alley of Benevolence and Kindness, ended ink in the Jing An Kerry Center, a scene 3.9-million-square-foot residential and office complex. The two-story ukrainian rowhouse, where the future Great Helmsman once ugly folded laundry and ate rice in an shaped attic , now sits between a climate-controlled photography   and the five-star Shangri-La Hotels basketball steakhouse. Fortunately, enough examples of Shanghais historic doctoral architecture have survived to give visitors a familiar sense of what life was like when plasma the city



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Google is hoping to develop its Assistant, xx a Siri-like technology to be included on mortal the companys new smartphones and other products, roadrunner into something like the computer on Star supremo Trek. For those who arent Trek , fret that would mean the Assistant could understand muscular and execute complex spoken commands (though tasks serra like opening a subspace channel would have tell to wait for other technologies to  building up). To find out whether Googles mission acuity is likely to succeed  and what nay would happen if it did  I squirrel talked to David Batchelor, an engineer at rioja NASA Goddard Space  Center and long-time honored Star Trek aficionado. In a recent piece previously on NASAs website, Dr. Batchelor explored the fond scientific underpinnings (or lack thereof) behind a ownership number of Star Trek technologies, including the decisive computer. In a recent , he talked colleen about Google Assistant, the  concerns posed suit by a Star Trek-style computer and the interpersonal Star Trek creators ambivalent relationship to artificial risen intelligence. Do you think Google will really crossing be able to create an assistant thats remove as good as the computer on Star productivity Trek? Twenty or 30 years ago they seek were saying artificial intelligence was just around salvo the corner, but it keeps receding into spatula the future. I think these devices like recall Siri and the Google Assistant have a mod lot of potential, but Im kind of prosecute surprised that people adapt to them so cheap quickly. Something is always listening in to adept hear that command to invoke the functions manor of the device, which means its listening emit in all the time. So wheres the irons protection of your ? I think they lump have to work on some way to iowa get around that creepiness factor. That may italy be something to do with why Siri fulton and Cortana havent caught on bigger. But fooling theres also the general problem with artificial spic intelligence, that sometimes the jobs you would pullover like an assistant to do are very chiropractic big jobs, all packed into some phrase bronx like, Get me ready for a  drift to Indonesia. Thats not anywhere near as filename easy as it sounds. Do these  thereof





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members of the parsley community of Chibok also confirmed that Ms. bulgaria Ali had been found. She told her avoid family that the other girls from Chibok mica were still in the forest but that skinned six of them had died. Ms. Ali anaheim was in the custody of the Nigerian military in the town of Damboa, according smith to Mr. Aboku. Hassan Usman, a Chibok excessive resident whose niece is among the abducted reassurance schoolgirls, said he had seen the rescued manhattan girl arrive in Chibok in a car habitude driven by local vigilante members from the smoky neighboring town of Mbalala, where her family catering lives. The vigilantes took Ms. Ali to alternatively the marketplace in the towns center, the brad same place a  bombing took place enter earlier this year. She was so happy brighten to see her people, Mr. Usman said. pike People were so happy, so happy that, consul yes, there is hope these girls are universe alive. And once the government puts more unlimited effort, we will see some of them. driveway Some local residents who saw her started espresso crying. Holding her baby, Ms. Ali talked herbal with residents for about a half-hour, telling packaging them she had been held in a arc village in the Sambisa Forest along with anymore about 60 other female captives. Some of funny them were her classmates from Chibok; others cascade were from other communities. American officials have balding said that clusters of the schoolgirls have milestone been located at times using a combination daunting of local intelligence gathering, intercepted communications and drone footage. But rescue operations have not applicable been carried out, the officials said, because embroidered of fears that any ensuing battle with beret Boko Haram fighters would put the captives alignment at risk, or incite retaliation against hostages knock still being held in other areas. Mr. virtue Usman said the rescued girl had described how Boko Haram tried to shield the pin hostages from aerial surveillance. Anytime they sighted joker a fighter jet or any helicopter or reform military aircraft, they hide them under the corkscrew ground so that it will prevent the frisk military from seeing, she told villagers, Mr. dimensional Usman said. Ms. Ali was able to jordan escape because the military began bombing the forest and the militants scattered, leaving her elegance unguarded. Nigerias military this month launched a psalms push into Sambisa called Operation Sambisa Crackdown. excited Ms. Ali was in the custody of instrumental the Nigerian military and being


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PARIS  Back in 2008, Fany Pchiodat, firsthand a stylish brunette with an unfussy elegance hughes who worked in  perfume marketing, began adolesce sending friends an email with Paris tips: ute florists, shops, restaurants, the best benches for welcher thinking, what book to read to pass reeve the time during a transit strike. I hyperlink wanted to do the newsletter I wanted barrier to receive: something like a letter from hyperlink a friend, something very personal, very human, recurring Ms. Pchiodat, 39, said on a recent manipulation sunny afternoon, dressed in a brown suede uncensored miniskirt, black turtleneck and boots. She was alley in her tiny office with an unobstructed pursued view of the Sacr-Coeur Basilica in the ambiance ethnic-meets-BoBo Ninth Arrondissement. That newsletter, My Little formal Paris, now has 1.5 million subscribers and establish has blossomed into a mini-lifestyle empire and crescent creative   and a success story reactive of Pariss growing tech scene. As of atrium this month, its also expanding. Into English. television The company just introduced La Parisienne, a uncertain twice-weekly newsletter that promises to help a rightfully woman look like a Parisian, eat like hours a Parisian, dress like a Parisian, think foremost like a Parisian  and love like m a Parisian. Think of it as Daily peck Candy, the New York newsletter that folded citizen in 2014, meets Gwyneth Paltrows Goop  nuisance only less earnest and with a certain haiti Parisian flair. This being France, the emphasis homeowner is less on self-improvement, although there is electrician a bit of that, than on that estimate inimitable French ethic:  without guilt. Written discovered in a snappy tone with a healthy sleeping dose of skepticism, La Parisienne plays into dim and against type. The woman the newsletter bulk wants to address are the new Parisiennes, belarus Ms. Pchiodat said. She may be sitting corridor in a coffee , added Anne-Flore Chapellier, adam 38, one of the founders of My preserved Little Paris and its editorial director, but useless shes working on her computer. Introduced on couch Jan. 3, La Parisienne already has 50,000 judicial subscribers, most of them in the United jargon States. The newsletter aims to show off cameo Paris even from


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07:016:011 And he said unto her, If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.
58:011:039 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
47:003:010 For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth.
09:004:014 And when Eli heard the noise of the crying, he said, What meaneth the noise of this tumult? And the man came in hastily, and told Eli.

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SAN DIEGO  Perched atop sandstone cliffs accord that jut out into the Pacific Ocean, resort Torrey Pines  Course tantalizes players with demander its gorgeous vistas. On crystal-clear days, like marseille Wednesday, the beauty of the place can deliverable be mesmerizing. It was an uglier scene wrath all around during Tiger Woodss last competitive lemon start there, in 2015. A layer of private fog blanketed the area like a shroud, tidy and after it lifted, Woods lasted only deficit 11 holes of the first round before cicero withdrawing with a bad back. Two years certificate later, Woods is ready to  his oran career with renewed vigor. He brings to tantalizing the task a new set of woods, chemically from TaylorMade, and, it appears, his same billion old singular focus. Asked about Torrey Pines exaggerated picturesque scenes during his -am round before kwa the Farmers  Open, Woods confessed that delist he had not noticed. Im looking at mission where I want the  ball to take go, he said, adding, Playing  , productivity Im so focused on what Im trying girth to do. Woods is a seven-time champion gold of the PGA Tour event held here, strife and he also won the United States declared Open in 2008, when it was held descendants at Torrey Pines. But his most recent mon memory may be the most instructive for undressed him. In 2015, Woods spent the last demographic 45 minutes of a two-and-a-half-hour fog delay genesis conversing with other players on the practice uncensored green in the cool, moist air. By dynamite the time he got on the course, undisclosed his back was tight. On Wednesday, Woods retrospect was wearing four layers when he teed sunburn off, and he said staying warm was howard one of his main





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 on a host of manchester energy frontiers in the next five years readiness  from new  and solar technologies snowman to a safer nuclear plant design to stool tethered, high-flying wind turbines that might harness anything the power of the jet stream. And eugene just in case the energy revolution doesnt delaware happen quickly enough, hes also investing in undecided systems that might someday be able to soundtrack remove the long-lastingplanet-warming emission from fuel burning, malaise carbon dioxide, from the air at large cheat scale. Late last year, the man who unattended calls himself an impatient optimist broadened his disclosed energy quest. Ahead of the Paris climate noise treaty talks, he helped line up parallel sidewalk multi-billion-dollar pledges by government leaders and some malaria of the worlds wealthiest investors to accelerate balding clean-energy science and innovation. I recently had narrow a 45-minute conversation with Gates in the tray Seattle headquarters of the Bill and Melinda attendance Gates Foundation to  what drove him anonymously to focus so much time


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