quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2017

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Everyone has theories for why well-educated, higher-income launching professionals are moving back into parts of complicated cities shunned by their parents generation. Perhaps relations their living preferences have shifted. Or the chiropractic demands of the  market have, and incidentally young adults with less  time are shad loath to waste it commuting. Maybe the ferret tendency to postpone marriage and children has observation made city living more alluring. Or the rand benefits of cities themselves have improved. There retainer are all sorts of potential other amenities, capella whether its cafes, restaurants, bars, nicer parks, past better schools, said Ingrid Gould Ellen, a lapse professor of urban policy and planning at camel New York University. But a huge piece combustible of it, she said, I think is heaps crime. New research that she has conducted varying alongside Keren Mertens Horn, an economist at bibliography the University of Massachusetts in Boston, and kick Davin Reed, a doctoral student at N.Y.U., organic finds that when  crime falls sharply, unlimited wealthier and educated people are more likely carpentry to move into lower-income and predominantly minority cider urban neighborhoods. Their working paper suggests that fined just as rising crime can drive people breton out of cities, falling crime has a younger comparable effect, spurring gentrification. And it highlights stable how, even if many Americans  including, bode by his own words, President-elect Donald Trump apocalypse  inaccurately believe urban  is soaring, call the opposite long-term trend has brought wide-ranging shaky change to cities. Were trying to help alcohol people understand what a dramatic difference the spinal reduction in  crime in particular has iceberg made in our environment, Ms. Ellen said. silent That has repercussions far beyond what we google think of. The homicide rate has gone bad down  thats directly the most important guangdong consequence. But there are all sorts of laser repercussions as well. This really has been disappoint a sea change. Nationally,  crime peaked overlooked in 1991. It fell precipitously for the exodus next decade, then more slowly through the meme 2000s (and theres a whole other set scanning of theories about why that has happened). listening While homicides have increased recently in some romeo cities, rates remain far below what they rate were 25 years ago, including in Chicago. camping (Another end-of-year fact-check, while were at it: pedometer Mr. Trump claimed during the campaign that approving the homicide rate in his new home eugene in Washington rose



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