terça-feira, 26 de março de 2019

Kake: A Build System With No Build Files

UPDATE: Renamed to "Ekam" because "Kake" apparently looks like a misspelling of a vulger German word. Link below updated.

I finally got some real coding done this weekend.


Kake is a build system which automatically figures out what to build and how to build it purely based on the source code. No separate "makefile" is needed.

Kake works by exploration. For example, when it encounters a file ending in ".cpp", it tries to compile the file. If there are missing includes, Kake continues to explore until it finds headers matching them. When Kake builds an object file and discovers that it contains a "main" symbol, it tries to link it as an executable, searching for other object files to satisfy all symbol references therein.

You might ask, "But wouldn't that be really slow for a big codebase?". Not necessarily. Results of previous exploration can be cached. These caches may be submitted to version control along with the code. Only the parts of the code which you modify must be explored again. Meanwhile, you don't need to waste any time messing around with makefiles. So, overall, time ought to be saved.

Current status

Currently, Kake is barely self-hosting: it knows how to compile C++ files, and it knows how to look for a "main" function and link a binary from it. There is a hack in the code right now to make it ignore any symbols that aren't in the "kake2" namespace since Kake does not yet know anything about libraries (not even the C/C++ runtime libraries).

That said, when Kake first built itself, it noticed that one of the source files was completely unused, and so did not bother to include it. Kake is already smarter than me.

Kake currently requires FreeBSD, because I used kqueue for events and libmd to calculate SHA-256 hashes. I thought libmd was standard but apparently not. That's easy enough to fix when I get a chance, after which Kake should run on OSX (which has kqueue), but will need some work to run on Linux or Windows (no kqueue).

There is no documentation, but you probably don't want to actually try using the existing code anyway. I'll post more when it is more usable.

Future plans

First and foremost, I need to finish the C++ support, including support for libraries. I also need to make Kake not rebuild everything every time it is run -- it should remember what it did last time. Kake should also automatically run any tests that it finds and report the results nicely.

Eventually I'd like Kake to run continuously in the background, watching as you make changes to your code, and automatically rebuilding stuff as needed. When you actually run the "kake" command, it will usually be able to give you an immediate report of all known problems, since it has already done the work. If you just saved a change to a widely-used header, you might have to wait.

Then I'd like to integrate Kake into Eclipse, so that C++ development can feel more like Java (which Eclipse builds continuously).

I'd like to support other languages (especially Java) in addition to C++. I hope to write a plugin system which makes it easy to extend Kake with rules for building other languages.

Kake should eventually support generating makefiles based on its exploration, so that you may ship those makefiles with your release packages for people who don't already have Kake.

Kake will, of course, support code generators, including complex cases where the code generator is itself built from sources in the same tree. Protocol Buffers are an excellent test case.

To scale to large codebases, I'd like to develop a system where many Kake users can share some central database which keeps track of build entities in submitted code, so that Kake need not actually explore the whole code base just to resolve dependencies for the part you are working on.

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