quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2021

Your free period 040141401848 is going to end!

Dear Customer, #040141401848

Unfortunately your free period is ending in 1 day. But thank you for choosing to stay with us!

Your subscription will be continued using a payment method you already provided.
When your free period expires you will be automatically moved to the premium plan for only $69.99 per month.

Thank you for choosing to become our premium member!

In case you want to know more details about your order you can always contact us: +1 (901) 584 0490

We are donating $1 out every premium membership bought to the Vietnam Veterans of America!

We are happy you choose us!
We really need your support please leave a comment on our website!

5901 W Century Blvd #750, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Copyright © 2021 Medical Reminder Service, Inc. All rights reserved.
+1 (901) 584 0490

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