domingo, 28 de maio de 2023

Thank You Very Much199

Hello My Dearest One

I am MRS. ESTHER DEBORAH PARRBOAT if you can still remember and you replied to my email some time ago when I contacted you regarding my family fund that I wished to transfer to your account in your country. I am writing now to inform you that I am wishing you well, I hope you and your family are doing well by the grace of God.

I wanted to inform you that I have successfully transferred my money to HONG KONG with the help of MRS. SANDROUS T. SMITH. I am reaching out to you because I have not forgotten about the past and I appreciate the help you offered me. As a result, I have left the sum of $500,000.00 for you with my private bank in South Africa.

I cannot forget how you were the very first person I contacted to help me and I still hold your efforts in high regard. Despite the difficulties that arose, I am still grateful for your willingness to assist me then. My current focus here in Hong Kong, is to build an orphanage home and help those who have been displaced by wars and hunger. I have left the funds in the care of MRS. SANDROUS T. SMITH before anything happens to me due to my health condition, which I had previously mentioned to you.

I request that you contact ABSA BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA, as I have given them a DRAFT CHEQUE in your name for the $500,000.00 US Dollar. Please contact the ABSA BANK SOUTH AFRICA and provide them with your name and country of origin, and they will in their system and proceed with the transfer of the funds to your to any of your provided bank accounts.


Contact Person: Mr. Sello Moloko

The Director and Head of Cheque Deposit and Payment-

TEL: +27 6 161 09742




I have already informed the bank that you will be contacting them to claim the $500,000.00 US Dollar. Please contact them immediately with the provided contact information and instruct them to release and transfer the money ($500,000usd) to your account.

Thank you for your help in the past and for your prompt attention to this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Esther Deborah Parrboat

My HONG KONG Direct phone Numbers

(+852-800902011, +852-800902021)

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